Surya Informatics

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a database technology that allows businesses to share transparent information. Blockchain databases store information in a series of linked blocks. The data is chronologically consistent because no one can tamper with the ledger without being detected by other users. Using blockchain technology, you can create an unalterable ledger for tracking orders, payments and other transactions. The system has a built-in mechanism that prevents unauthorized transaction entries, ensuring consistency in how all parties view these transactions.

What is the significance of blockchain?

In a traditional database technology, the sale of property would involve several challenges. For instance, once money changes hands and ownership is transferred from seller to buyer. Both the buyer and seller can record their transactions when conducting business, but neither is necessarily a reliable source of information.

There is no guarantee that the seller has received payment, and there’s no way for the buyer to prove he or she actually sent a payment.

To reduce the risks associated with transactions, a trusted third party must supervise and validate them. However, this presence of a central authority complicates the transaction as well as creates a single point of vulnerability—if that database were ever compromised both parties could suffer.

Blockchain is a way of using the internet to create a tamper-proof, decentralized ledger for transactions. In the property transaction scenario, blockchain can create one ledger for each buyer and seller. All transactions must be approved by both parties, then are automatically updated in their respective ledgers in real time.

The fact that blockchain technology cannot be altered once it is recorded means that the ledger’s contents are never in question, even if any single transaction fails to take place. This has led many companies to look at how they might benefit from using this technology as a way of recording transactions digitally and securely.

What are some of the features of blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is made up of the following elements:


The decentralization of control in blockchain occurs when a centralized entity transfers decision making powers to individuals or groups within the network. Blockchain networks use transparency to reduce the need for trust among participants. A lack of authority or control within these networks also makes them more efficient and functional than other types of decentralized architecture


Immutability suggests that something cannot be changed or altered. The shared ledger keeps track of all transactions, making it impossible for any participant to alter a recorded transaction. If a transaction is found to contain an error, you must create a new transaction to reverse the mistake and both transactions are visible on the network.


A blockchain system establishes rules regarding transaction recording, requiring the consent of all parties involved.Only when a majority of participants in the network agree to it can you add new transactions.

What are the key components of blockchain technology?

Blockchain architecture has the following main components:

A distributed ledger

A distributed ledger is a shared database that contains information about transactions. Distributed ledger technologies have strict rules about who can edit and how to edit data. As a result, you cannot delete entries once they’ve been recorded

Smart contracts

Using smart contracts, companies can automate business processes by self-executing and self-enforcing their own agreements. Smart contracts are computer programs that execute commands based on their input parameters. They run if-then checks so that transactions can be completed confidently. For example, a logistics company can have a smart contract in which payment is automatically made once goods arrive at the port.

Public key cryptography

The blockchain’s public key cryptography establishes the identities of network members. This mechanism makes two sets of keys available for each participant in the system: a public one and its counterpart—a private or secret one. There is one key, called a public key , that can be used by anyone. The other is called a private key and belongs only to the person it was created for. Private and public keys work together in order to unlock ledger data

For instance, John and Jill are both members of the network. When John records a transaction on it, he encrypts it with his private key. Jill can decrypt the message with her public key, which ensures that she knows John is the one sending it. Jill’s public key wouldn’t have worked if his private key had been tampered with—and so neither would hers!

Ethereum App Development

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that supports the development of smart contracts and distributed applications (DApps). Ethereum app development has emerged as a novel approach to business, but it’s already demonstrating its power in creative new ways to organize companies and manage blockchain-based systems.

Ethereum can be used to develop applications for use in a variety of industries, including financial and non-financial services. Our team of Ethereum experts at Surya informatics will take your business needs and customize app development services to deliver results.

Ether is a form of crypto currency that can be used as a payment option on some applications.

Ether is the specific cryptographic token used to help power and run applications on the Ethereum network. Ether can be converted into other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, used as payment for transaction fees by application developers, helping drive a whole new generation of apps that no one’s ever seen before!

Surya informatic’s team Provides Top Line Etherum App Development Service

A team of Surya informatics is well versed by using the astounding features of Ethereum and try to provide the most innovative and result oriented services,

Smart Contract Development for Ethereum:

For businesses, we develop smart contracts to automate processes while using Ethereum’s features.

Customized Ethereum Wallet App:

We provide customized Ethereum wallet applications for a variety of different businesses.

Decentralized App Development Services:

We create high-quality Dapps (decentralized apps) that take advantage of the Ethereum blockchain’s advanced features.

What Ethereum has over the other platforms?

Decentralized apps run on the blockchain, so they benefit from all of its features.


Corruption & tamper proof


Zero downtime

Industries that use Ethereum

Accounting & Finance


Information Technology



Best Ethereum Wallet


Exodus Wallet

Jaxx Wallet


MyEther Wallet

Why Should You Work With Surya Informatics to Develop An Ethereum App?

Surya Informatics is dedicatedly working to make the revolutionary Ethereum blockchain development work for you. We incorporate state-of-the art technologies into our solutions, so that your project can be high octane—and fully customizable

We are experts in developing applications based on Blockchain technology.

Expert & professional employees

Tailor Made Decentralised Apps

Scalable, Flexible & Interactive Ethereum Apps

Fast Responders

Security Professionals

Our experienced Ethereum app developer can create a custom Ethereum wallet application for you, or help you integrate ethereum into your business.

A blockchain-based approach to agriculture

Blockchain can reduce the risk of fraud, increase legal certainty around land ownership issues, and make it easier to monitor climate goals. The potential of blockchain to transform land registries is becoming increasingly clear. The technology offers a way for governments to maintain accurate records, reduce fraud and corruption, and provide citizens with easy access to ownership information. A new report from the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation highlights some of these benefits as well as potential challenges.

What is the potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing agriculture?

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize agriculture by improving supply chains and automating many of the processes involved in growing food. By allowing information to be traced across the agricultural supply chain, blockchain technology can enhance food safety. Blockchain’s data-keeping capabilities make it possible to trace the origins of crops, leading to better crop insurance and farming practices.

Blockchain Technology and its Role in Agriculture

Blockchain technologies can track all types of information about plants, including the quality of seeds and crop growth. They can also generate a record of where your produce comes from after you buy it at the grocery store. Analyzing this data can help businesses improve supply chain transparency and mitigate concerns about illegal or unethical operations. Recalls make it easier to track contamination or other issues back to their source. When consumers have access to this amount of transparency in food production, they are able to make more informed purchasing decisions. They often use this information to reward farmers and producers that implement good farming methods.

Is blockchain technology the key to revolutionizing Indian agriculture?

The journey that food takes from the farm to our plates happens through many different players, but today’s consumers want to know more about where their food comes from.

As the length of supply chains has increased, consumers have become more concerned about where their food comes from Blockchain is the only way to make reliable traceability of farm products work in a decentralized market. Agri-technology companies are introducing IoT devices and sensors to gather data on farms, from seed quality to crop tracking. Blockchain technology can help farmers by making the food supply chain more transparent, which will protect them from unethical practices that threaten their livelihoods.

Blockchain data collection and analysis will help consumers make more educated decisions about the food they eat, leading to strengthened consumer-producer relationships. The data must be formatted and made comprehensible before it can be preserved. Blockchain technology makes it possible to add meta data (information about other information) to stored data and structure. This can make compliance enforcement easier, as blockchain-based applications are able store that metadata in such a way that compliant parties (like regulators or investors) will be alerted if the underlying data gets changed.

Private Blockchain Development

A private block chain is a distributed network that can be made centralized by connecting all the nodes to one point of control. Private block chains are mainly used by banks and businesses for promoting smooth operations. Each participant in the network has ultimate power over who can be a part of it, allowing them to pick who gets access and performs transactions. A private block chain network is created when a trusted entity gives permission to the nodes that make up its network. This block chain is faster and more efficient than the Bitcoin block chain.

Surya Informatics Solutions Private Limited, a global consulting company that brings together the best team to develop and design all kinds of services—from simple blockchain frameworks to enterprise solutions. Our developers are ready to take on the challenges presented by your requirements. Using Blockchain, we can help you achieve your business objectives in ways that were previously not possible.

Private blockchains: Know their advantages

Auditing of cryptographic systems

Enhanced efficiency

Databases that are glorified

Make sure the environment is controlled

Transactions that are faster and cheaper

Files and data can be shared and stored in large quantities

KYC authentication ensures low-risk transactions

Increased stability and scalability

How does private blockchain work?

A private block chain network is administered by the person who created it. It can be closed off or restricted so that others are not given the same access rights. Private block chains are mainly used by large companies for their enterprise-level applications. They offer greater security, scalability and transaction speeds than other distributed databases such as Ethereum or Bitcoin.

Why should you choose Surya Informatics for your private block chain development needs?

Surya Informatics is one of the best companies to provide block chain development services. We are a leading private block chain development company, and we can provide you with the most secure system to connect multiple parties.

We promise you

Completely Decentralized Options

Get your own crypto currency

Faster and cheaper transactions

Auto public key generation

Obtain investment advice

Create multiple key values and identity databases

Tracking accessibility at all network level

Dynamic control over all transactions